

  • JUL29

    3 Comments by Admin

    Proven ways to reduce your electricity bills consistently

      If you were born in India like me, it’s likely that you’ve grown up hearing phrases like ‘Close the door, the Air Conditioner is on!’ or “Have you seen the electricity bill lately? Reduce your Air Conditioner usage.” and […]

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  • DEC9

    9 Comments by Admin

    7 everyday things which are major contributors of CO2 emissions..

    1. Fashion Industry     Fashion Industry is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. With fast fashion, fast approaching and taking over the world, there’s no stopping the massive growth of the industry. But, this growth comes […]

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  • SEP11

    4 Comments by Admin

    The rise of Geofoam

    What is Geofoam? Geofoam is expanded polystyrene manufactured into large light weight blocks.  The blocks vary in size and density depending on the requirement. Geofoam blocks are widely used as a filling material for various construction and infrastructure purposes.   […]

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  • JUL26

    5 Comments by Admin

    Recycling and its challenges with Expanded Polystyrene!

    Recycle! This word has been resonating around us since centuries it seems. Recycling as we all know is a process of converting waste material into new materials and objects for reusing. Although it sounds simple, the word recycle always pops […]

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  • JUN20

    8 Comments by Admin


    The ground water in southern parts of India has been drying up due to extended summers and lack of rainfall. This has led to an onset of a cold war between some of the Indian southern states. The reservoirs are almost going at half of their capacity and the requirement for water keeps increasing.

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